
Compassion International

Hi Pals!  Well, it's COLD up here in Chicago, therefore no school for today. What a perfect excuse for a little bloggin'! Today I wanted to share with you all my journey so far with Compassion International.

Compassion is a Christian organization that provides sponsors for children in different parts of the world who are in need of schooling and other resources. Through their sponsors, these children are able to attend a good school, learn about Jesus, and help to give themselves more opportunities to better their lives and the lives of their families. When students attend a Compassion center they receive good meals, Christian fellowship, and an education.

I was introduced to Compassion at an event that I chaperoned called Youth Quake. This country wide youth retreat gives Junior High students the opportunity to worship, discuss, and enjoy fellowship with other youth groups in the area. Compassion partners with Youth Encounter, and each year many of the coordinators of the program share their personal testimonies and stories about their involvement with Compassion.

I began sponsoring for a few reasons. One of those reasons is that I am a teacher. As a teacher I feel it is my calling to help bring up and build students to their fullest potential. Another reason I decided to sponsor is my belief that one of my callings is to help out the children of our world. Sometimes living in a suburb of Chicago I find myself totally ignorant to the trials of the world, or I even find myself turning away from learning more about how to help out of laziness. This is unacceptable. I believe that God calls us all to help our neighbors of all kinds, whether close to home or far away.

So long story short, I began sponsoring Josthin, a 5 year old boy from Nicaragua. Since sponsoring him he has sent me 2 letters (written with the help of his school tutor). Each time I receive a letter from him it's like Christmas morning! I am so happy to be so personally involved in his life and showing Christ's love to him. On the 1 year anniversary of my Compassion sponsorship of Josthin I decided to sponsor a little girl, Lucky. Lucky is a little girl from Africa who I fell in love with when looking at her little picture. Because I have recently sponsored her, I still haven't received any information about her, but I am looking forward to hearing from her soon!

The COOLEST part of Compassion is that they offer opportunities to go to your sponsored child's country and meet them. One day, I will do this. I am going to finish off this post with a picture of my two cuties. I would love to hear from you if you sponsor a child, or if you decide to sponsor a child after learning more about Compassion! You can find out more information by visiting www.compassion.com or finding them @compassion on Instagram!

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